Cassia Gum is a high molecular weight polysaccharide composed of galactomannans; the mannose:galactose ratio is about 5:1, which is produced from the endosperms of seeds of Cassia Tora L. / Cassia obtusifolia L., and is a wild crop that grows in most parts of central India as a weed. It is a natural ingredient which is used as thickener, moisture retention agent, stabilizer, emulsifier and texturizing agent in dairy products, meat products, poultry products, pet food, personal care, pharmaceutical products and other industrial applications. LubiGel has been producing various grades of superior quality Cassia Gum powder under its CasigelTM range. Our products are hot water soluble and requires heating to fully solubilize and reach full viscosity in aqueous solutions. Our product combined with other hydrocolloids such as Carrageenan or Xanthan Gum, will synergistically form superior gels, which acts as a good replacement solution for expensive Locust Bean gum and Konjac gum. It also acts as a partial replacement for expensive Carrageenan.
Our human food grade Cassia Gum is the most preferred natural ingredient for various food and pet food applications. It comprises of 75% polysaccharides by weight and this makes it highly soluble in hot water to form superior gels when combined with Kappa Carrageenan / Xanthan Gum. This excellent synergy gives a better texture and stability to the finished products. It also enables a good cost savings as it allows a partial replacement of expensive Carrageenan in Carrageenan based formulations. Likewise, it enables good cost savings as one could easily replace very expensive Locust Bean Gum and Konjac Gum in their respective formulations. Our food grade Cassia Gum (E427) has found a prominent place in a number of food applications as a thickener, moisture retention agent, stabilizer, emulsifier and texturizing agent in dairy products, meat products, poultry products and pet food products (1f499 in Europe).
Our pet grade Cassia Gum (E499) is best-in-class natural ingredient for pet food application outside Europe. As it has good synergy with Kappa Carrageenan / Xanthan Gum, it is used as an emulsifying, stabilizing, thickening and gelling agent. It enables similar cost savings in pet food formulations too.